Fantage Events

Fantage Events!

A new charity event!!
New limited items, prizes, and medals!!

New Apps on Fantage!!
And new limited items with it!!
EPIC right?? It is actually a lot of fun and oh right! Just like that one star game at where Orion is...

NEW LIMTIE ITEMS!!! And a free card, and if you play StarBlaze 1 time you get a medal and an item, and 5 times for a shirt!! :D

Fantage Valentine's Day 2013
Its really lame you're not missing anything

I hope this video covers it all
February Admin/Special Items!!
Coolest Things Fantage Has Made In a LONG Time

New February Special Items! From Star Wars! :3 I'm not a Star Wars fan...yet 
Is it possible??? Fantage...Has released new basket ball items and autumn items!
New BasketBall hair?!? AWESOME And new Autumn Princess Items!!
Fantage: Winter Ball 2013!!!!
I wonder if this is going to be the prom...

Purdy Snowflakes!!!
The white dress is pretty for once :D

Look how LAME the non member costume is >:D i know because i'm stuck with it too :(

Cool snowflake prizes!! Get it? Cuz snowflakes are cold :3

Ah! The Fashion Judge is BACK!! He thinks he know what style is xD
Trading Cards have come to Fantage!!

GAME CARDS?!!?! I knew that would come around sometime or another xD

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